Eva Giolo, Memory Is an Animal, It Barks with Many Mouths (2024), still from video.

Eva Giolo. Memory Is an Animal, It Barks with Many Mouths.
Ar/Ge Kunst with Biennale Gherdëina 9

Opening 29 May, 7PM


Curated by Francesca Verga and Zasha Colah

The film that artist and filmmaker Eva Giolo presents at Ar/Ge Kunst is the upshot of a year and a half of research in the Ladin valleys. Filmed in 16mm, Memory Is an Animal, It Barks with Many Mouths is a project that was commissioned and produced by Ar/Ge Kunst with Biennale Gherdëina 9 and the support of the Flanders Audiovisual Fund.

Surrounding the Dolomite Mountains, children reimagine ancient Ladin legends while they examine holes, caves and bodies of water looking for something lost or forgotten. Through a poetic choreography the film becomes a fictional journey connecting past and present. Creating resonances between the landscape, myths, legends and Ladin - the protected old Rhaeto-Romanic language of the valleys - a puzzle unfolds as a timeless fable.

Eva Giolo (1991, Belgium) is an artist working on analogue film. Her work places particular focus on the female experience, employing experimental and documentary strategies to explore themes of intimacy, permanence and memory, along with the analysis of language and semiotics. Her work has been widely exhibited at festivals, museums and galleries internationally, including Sadie Coles HQ, Harlan Levey Projects, WIELS, MAXXI–National Museum of 21st Century Art, Kunsthalle Wien, International Film Festival Rotterdam, Kunstmuseum Den Haag, Viennale, FIDMarseille, Vision du Réel and New York Film Festival, among others. She is co-founder of the production and distribution platform elephy.

Memory Is an Animal, It Barks with Many Mouths (2024)

Filmed on 16mm Kodak film on location in Val Gardena, Val Badia, Val d’Ega and Lessinia Regional Natural Park, Italy in October 2023 and March 2024.

Commissioned by Ar/Ge Kunst

Produced by elephy

Co-produced by Ar/Ge Kunst and Biennale Gherdëina

Curated by Francesca Verga and Zasha Colah

Exhibition Design: Yuichiro Onuma

Production Co-ordinators: Greta Langgartner, Verena Rastner, Stefano Riba

Animation: Boram Lee

Digital visuals: Isjtar Vandenbroeck

Sound Recording: Eva Giolo, Greta Langgartner

Foley Recording: Rustem Ovec

Foley Artist and Editor: Murat Şenürkmez

Sound Design: Simonluca Laitempergher

Colourist: Lennert De Taeye

Translation: Greta Langgartner, Sabine Pitscheider

Proofreading: Rebecca Jane Arthur

With: Nina Comploi, Emma Costabiei, Jan Costabiei, Amy Dal Zot, Evelyn Glück, Gabriel Goop, Jolie Grossgasteiger, Silvia Laimer, Giorgio Langgartner, Greta Langgartner, Olga Moling, Sandra Moroder, Iaco Palfrader, Matio Palfrader, Hannes Perathoner, Moriz Perathoner, Emilia Plunger, Emma Prechtel, Arturo Riba Polizzi, Bianca Riba Polizzi, Patrick Senoner, Sofia Stuflesser, Flora Tavella, Matî Tavella, Amanda Wanker, Laurin Wanker, Devin Werdaner, Janis Werdaner, Giulia Wörgartner

With voices of: Nina Comploi, Sofia Stuflesser, Amanda Wank, Laurin Wanker, Roland Welponer, Devin Werdaner, Janis Werdaner

Vocals performed by: Hosianna: Karin Chiesa, Sofia Dejori , Julia Lardschneider, Magdalena Mussner, Lea Schenk, Miriam Senoner, Sara Senoner, Nathalie Senoner, Giulia Tavella. De Cater: Silvia Delago, Sara Delago, Katrin Perathoner, Christine Wanker, Katrin Perathoner

With thanks to: Rut Bernardi, Dirk DeJonghe at Colours by Dejonghe, Gallery Doris Ghetta, Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü, Ulrike Kindl, Lessinia Regional Natural Park, Olga Moling, Wolfgang Moroder, Municipality of Sant'Anna d’Alfaedo, Museum Gherdëina, Petra Ploner, Claudia Polizzi, Ingrid Ruggaldier, Butëiga Rusina, Claudia Senoner, Union di Ladins de Gherdëina

Produced, Directed, Filmed and Edited by Eva Giolo

With the kind support of: Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF)