
Pepper and Olives. On Countersurveillance
Leander Schwazer and The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin.

GUIDED TOUR 28.03.2025, 17.00
with Leander Schwazer and co-curator Francesca Verga


Curated by Francesca Verga and Zasha Colah


January 21, 2025, 5:00 PM—7:00 PM
“A proposito di un certo pranzo con croci, gioielli e fiori”, 1969, acrilico su tela / Acryl auf Leinwand, 101 x 151cm. Courtesy Chert Lüdde.

À JOUR. Clemen Parrocchetti

Opening December 5th, 7PM


Curated by Marco Scotini, Francesca Verga and Zasha Colah

Margherita Moscardini, Metropolitan Voids Agency #Istanbul 2013/2023 stampa fotografica su carta, cornice, 41,5x61,5x3cm Courtesy dell'artista e Gian Marco Casini Gallery, Livorno

Margherita Moscardini, Metropolitan Voids Agency

10.2.2024, 6:00 PM — 10.22.2024, 6:00 PM

A series of presentations of Metropolitan Voids Agency, a monograph on the artist Margherita Moscardini planned for October, 2024

Anna Scalfi Eghenter. The Fluo Swan.

Opening 19 September, 7PM
Performance 26 & 28 September 2024, H 17.00


Curated by Francesca Verga and Zasha Colah

Eva Giolo, Memory Is an Animal, It Barks with Many Mouths (2024), still from video.

Eva Giolo. Memory Is an Animal, It Barks with Many Mouths.
Ar/Ge Kunst with Biennale Gherdëina 9

Opening 29 May, 7PM


Curated by Francesca Verga and Zasha Colah

Parwin nel giardino della sua casa a Kabul, anni ‘70.

AFGHANISTAN by Farid Rahimi

May 13, 2024, 4:00 PM—8:00 PM

Video presentation and conversation between Farid Rahimi, Francesca Recchia, Luca Cerizza and Antonio Rovaldi

Cover illustration of the ‘zine of zines’ made during an open workshop held by Paola Pietronave in collaboration with Gudskul during the residency period.

Diventare Lumbung.

May 10, 2024, 1:00 PM—4:00 PM

Workshop by Paola Pietronave in collaboration with Gudskul Ekosistem

Noor Abed, our songs were ready for all wars to come (35mm still from shooting), 2021, super 8mm film

Film works by Noor Abed

May 9, 2024, 4:00 PM—8:00 PM

Curated by Greta Martina with Zasha Colah & Francesca Verga

Becky Shaw with Michael Gill, image from Twelve Museums (2004).

I’m gone. Do you remember me?
Opening 22 February 2024, 7PM

7.30PM Performance Cesare Viel


Curated by Francesca Verga and Zasha Colah

Milica Tomić, Exhibiting on a Trowel’s Edge. Research and investigative processes of Aflenz Memorial in becoming (2018), Installation, steirischer herbst, photo: Simon Oberhofer

Geography of Looking
Milica Tomić (artist) with Ana Bezić (archaeologist)
Opening: 1 December 2023 at 7PM


Curated by Zasha Colah and Francesca Verga

Discover Arginale, a collective walk

October 29, 2023, 10:00 AM—11:30 AM

Bolzanism Museum Meets Ar/Ge Kunst

Margherita Moscardini, production still taken in Mafraq Governorate in 2018.

And Remember That Holes Can Move
Margherita Moscardini


Curated by Zasha Colah and Francesca Verga