Soil Times
Public Programme 2021 curated by BAU
In resonance with the ar/ge kunst 2021 exhibition program, Soil Times approaches the network of relationships between human and soil.
The savoir-vivre workshop and the Reading Rivers reading group will explore the artistic practices featured in the programme and how these can be read in relation to the texture of the living world.Taking our cues from experts and selected texts, we’ll encounter the soil as a mixture of minerals, gases, liquids, organisms and organic substances. As a vibrant matter where different life forms interact, communicate, collaborate and make each other viable. As a terrain or a surface that occupies a piece of land. As soil on and in which every human and more-than-human movement leaves a trace. A living archive where geopolitics, mineral extraction and ecotoxicology are mutually entangled.
Reading Rivers will initially be online; savoir-vivre will resume as soon as we can meet in the exhibition space.