Ho Tzu Nyen, R for Resonance, 2019
Installation with VR 360-degree video, ambisonic sound through headphones, single-channel HD video projection, 5-channel sound, dimensions variable.
Co-produced by Sharjah Art Foundation, Rockbund Art Museum Shanghai and Edouard Malingue Gallery
Courtesy of the Artist and Edouard Malingue Gallery


September 22, 2020, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM

In the garden behind ar/ge kunst and in the gallery space

with guitar maker Nikolaus Eilken (Thomas Guitars, Bolzano)

curated by BAU

“It examines resonance, rather than reason, connecting through vibrations instead of lines of logic.”
(Ho Tzu Nyen)

In his current exhibition R for Resonance, artist Ho Tzu Nyen presents the latest addition to his ongoing project “The Critical Dictionary of Southeast Asia (CDOSEA). The artist explores the phenomenon of resonance as a quality associated with the sound of the gong, a cast bronze instrument that brings individuals and societies together through music rituals. The succession of online images, music and text is conceived according to resonances rather than any linear logic.

This exploration of resonance takes us to the forests of the Latemar, where guitar makers Thomas Orgler and Nikolaus Eilken of Thomas Guitars search out tonewood for their instruments each year. The three hundred year-old hazel spruces are tapped, marked and then felled in the wintertime, at just the right phase of the moon. Through the construction of a musical instrument the participants of the workshop will explore the various tonalities of the tonewood.

The Tonewood Workshop is part of the workshop series savoir–vivre, which is conceived in parallel to the ar/ge kunst exhibition programme. The title savoir-vivre is based on a re-reading of the terms savoir and pouvoir in the work of Gayatri Spivak, co-founder of postcolonial theory, where knowledge (savoir) is not only linked to power but also to the condition of being able to (pouvoir). This combination of verbs turns the institution into a public space of negotiation and agency where an exploration of different forms of skills and competences produces collective knowledge.

The workshop will be conducted while observing current safety measures to counter the spread of Covid-19.

maximum 15 participants
attendance free
language: deu/ita
registration at [email protected]

With the kind support of:
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, Ripartizione Cultura
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio
Comune di Bolzano, Ripartizione Cultura
Dr Schär