Vladislav Shapovalov, Image Diplomacy, Installation View at ar/ge kunst. Photo Sorvillo, 2017 ©argekunst, Bolzano

Vladislav Shapovalov


Opening: 01.12.2017 at 7pm

Curated by Emanuele Guidi

With the first show in Italy of the Russian artist Vladislav Shapovalov, ar/ge kunst continues to present artistic practices that deal with history and the material of which it is made up; Long-term researches that are obliquely positioned in respect to official historiography, dedicating themselves to the re-composition of facts and moments considered minor, obsolete or simply forgotten; practices that above all critically investigate the media through which the story is written and communicated, and through which it continues to reverberate in the present.

research image, Islands songs

Nicolas Perret & Silvia Ploner


Opening: 07.September 2017, 8 pm
LIVE PERFORMANCE > 8:30 + 9.30 + 10.30 pm

In collaboration with Transart Festival

At Civic Museum, Bolzano Via Cassa di Risparmio 14

Curated by Emanuele Guidi

Every passion borders on the chaotic,
but the collector’s passion borders on the chaos of memories.
Walter Benjamin

Topography of Terror (19.12.2016), Elisa Caldana and Diego Tonus

Topography of Terror (19.12.2016)
Elisa Caldana e Diego Tonus


Opening: 07 September 2017, 6:30 pm

Curated by Emanuele Guidi

ar/ge kunst opens the new season with parallel exhibitions at its own venue on the Via Museo and at the Civic Museum, organised to coincide with the opening of Transart Festival.

Natalie Czech - A critic’s bouquet by Övül O. Durmusoglu for Flowers are Documents – Arrangement I, 2017, foto GuadagninI e Sorvillo ©ar/ge kunst.

Flowers are Documents — Arrangement II
(Composition / Support / Circulation / Ritual / Storytelling / Time)


Opening 22 June 2017, 7 pm

With Milena Bonilla and Luisa Ungar; Martina della Valle in collaboration with Rie Ono
Natalie Czech; Kapwani Kiwanga

Episodes by Haris Epaminonda, Oliver Laric, Paul Thuile, Bruno Munari, Ettore Sottsass Jr.

22 June, 7:30 pm
Lecture performance by Milena Bonilla and Luisa Ungar

Exhibition design in collaboration with Matthias Pötz and Ada Keller

Curated by Emanuele Guidi

©Martina della Valle

One flower, one leaf #3 Ikebana applicata al territorio urbano


(ITA) Martina della Valle

in collaborazione con Rie Ono

Workshop in occasione della mostra presso ar/ge kunst: “Flowers are Documents – Arrangement II”Con il gentile sostegno di UniBz – Facoltà di Design e Arti.

n. partecipanti: 12

Chiusura iscrizione: 16 Giugno – ore 13

Dove: UniBZ, Piazza Università, 1, 39100 Bolzano BZ

@Ludwig Thalheimer

Tour of the exhibition
“Glashaus III – Serra III”

June 17, 2017 at 11:00 AM

Tour of the exhibition “Glashaus III – Serra III”, at Gärtnerei Schullian Floricultura – Via Merano 75 A, Bolzano – with artist and curator Paul Thuile.

Flowers are Documents Arrangement I
(Composition / Support / Circulation / Ritual / Storytelling / Time)



Opening: 26 May 2017, 7 pm

With: Natalie Czech; Kapwani Kiwanga
Episodes by: Chiara Camoni, Douglas Coupland, David Horvitz, Bruno Munari, Ettore Sottsass Jr.

research Image: Plate LXVI from Johann Jakob Scheuchzer’s Physica Sacra (1731) - Source: Wikimedia Commons

JAPANESE ALPS Lecture di Francesco Tenaglia

May 19, 2017 at 5:30 PM
Inland, Shepherd School, ( 2004 - ongoing)

Imparare dal paesaggio BAU con INLAND

May 9, 2017 at 7:00 PM

(La Mia Scuola di Scuola di Architettura*6)

To Become Two lecture di Alex Martinis Roe

April 27, 2017 at 7:00 PM

In this public event, Alex Martinis Roe will respond to questions that have been gathered from viewers over the duration of the “To Become Two” exhibition. She will structure a presentation that explores these questions in relation to her research using various techniques including storytelling, political theory and diagrams. This will then unfold into a dialogic format, engaging the audience in a meeting exploring the possible futures that open out from the “To Become Two” project and the questions asked of it.

Alex Martinis Roe, A story from Circolo della rosa, film still (detail) of an image courtesy of the Milan Women's Bookstore, 2014.

To Become Two Alex Martinis Roe


Opening: 24.02.2017, 7pm

Curated by Emanuele Guidi

“To Become Two” tells the story of six diverse and contiguos histories; histories of a number of feminist groups that in the period from the 1970s to the present, have built communities in Europe and Australia around a “practice of relationships”.

The Variational Status Riccardo Giacconi

February 1, 2017 at 7:00 PM


On the occasion of the book launch “The Variational Status”, ar/ge kunst invites you to the lecture “To Resist Disappearing” by Professor Frans-Willem Korsten, followed by a conversation with artist Riccardo Giacconi and artistic director Emanuele Guidi.